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Cucumis anguria var. anguria (West Indian Gherkin)

200 (400)cm, West Indian Gherkin is a trailing annual plant with palmately lobed leaves and small yellow flowers followed by ornamental, light green, ellipsoid fruits with short bristle hairs, ripening pale yellowish. Unripe fruits are edible and are used fresh in salads or cooked as a vegetable and are also pickled, especially in parts of Brazil. Ripe fruits are partly very bitter and have a slightly laxative effect, so that they shall not be used. For any rich soil in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C. VII-IX.
10 seeds per package.

FREE SEED PACKAGE: Available are 50 free seed packages with 10 seeds each from the West Indian Gherkin. Please select one free package per order from this species only and put it into your shopping cart. Payable are only the regular packing and shipping costs and any handling charge for small-amount orders below € 20.00 (excl. packing and shipping costs).

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package3346 € 0,99
seed package0383 € 0,00
seed package (100 seeds)0380 € 4,99

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