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Seed Mix No. 1: Montane Wildflowers

Aster laevis

Smooth Aster


Bahia dissecta

Ragleaf Bahia


Calochortus gunnisonii

Mariposa Lilly


Erigeron speciosus

Showy Fleabane Daisy


Eriogonum umbellatum

Sulfur Flower


Gaillardia aristata

Perennial Blanketflower


Hedysarum boreale



Liatris punctata

Dotted Gayfeather


Linum perenne var. lewisii

Blue Flax


Lupinus alpestris

Mountain Lupine


Monarda fistulosa

Wild Bergamot


Oxytropis lambertii

Showy Locoweed


Oxytropis sericea

Silky Locoweed


Penstemon strictus

Rocky Mountain Penstemon


Penstemon virgatus

Wandbloom Beardtongue


Potentilla hippiana

Woolly Cinquefoil


Rudbeckia hirta

Black Eyed Susan


Viguiera multiflora

Showy Goldeneye


Other species


Inert parts

(e.g. dry flower petals)



Note: Seed mixes cannot be delivered to customers in Australia, Canada, and the USA. From all linked species above pure seed is available. You may want to order single seed packages instead.

Seed Mix No. 1: Montane Wildflowers
price (plus Shipping Costs)
Mix (5g)6571 € 9,99
sufficient for 5m2

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