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Berberis rotundifolia (Michay)

100 (170)cm Michay is a medium sized evergreen woody shrub with oval, leathery, mid green leaves, numerous small yellowish flowers and quite large round fruits in late summer. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane shrub lands in Chile. May be tried in the garden in any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot with shelter from winter wetness and an insulating protection from freezing through (e.g. a thick dry mulch layer). Better for a frostfree cultivation in a cool greenhouse or unheated wintergarden at a minimum of some 5°C with reduced watering. Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region, Reserva Nacional Radal Siete Tazas at some 2000m. VI-VII.
20 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

Berberis rotundifolia (Michay)
price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package 5027 € 4,99
Cold Hardiness
Reviewed by Margaret C. from Vancouver, BC, Canada

I have 2 plants in 4" pots that wintered outdoors with overhead protection from winter rain. Our low was -14C. We had several weeks with overnight lows of at least -8. Pots were burried in peat for root protection. Plants were exposed.

September 2009

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