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Aeonium gorgoneum (Cabo Verde Giant Houseleek)

40 (70)cm, Cabo Verde Giant Houseleek is the only Aeonium species endemic to the Cape Verde islands, and which is virtually unknown in cultivation. It branches moderately and its' leaf rosettes reach up to 15cm in diameter. Leaves are grayish-bluish-green with an orange-red shade in full sun. Stems are smooth and even. The for this species distinctive flowers have a rich yellow color with an orange tinge and are set in early spring. Most plants in cultivation are not true-to-type, but some hybrids with other Aeonium species. The original collection from which our mother plants descend was made in the 90ties of last century by the botanical garden of the University of Frankfurt, Germany at San Antonio, Lombo do Mar (600m), Cabo Verde Islands. II-III.
50 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package2919 € 14,90

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