Pinellia ternata (Mouseplant)

Pinellia ternata (Mouseplant)
25cm, dark green, middle sized trilobed leaves, an outside and inside light green spathe and a long, dark purple spadix. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Under appropriate conditions it propagates well by self-seeding and bulbils. 1,5cm ø corms are flowering size. V-VIII.

Dormant plants (i.e. tubers or corms) are available in our shop from October through May.

Note: All corms are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide.

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dormant corm (01.0 cm ø) - 2642
(The regular price was € 2.99)
dormant corm (01.0 cm ø) - 2642
(The regular price was € 2.99)
dormant corm (01.0 cm ø) - 2642
(The regular price was € 2.99)
seed package - 2306
seed package - 2306
seed package - 2306
dormant corm (0.5cm ø) - 3403
(The regular price was € 1.79)
dormant corm (0.5cm ø) - 3403
(The regular price was € 1.79)
dormant corm (0.5cm ø) - 3403
(The regular price was € 1.79)